- Poster presentation - Phenolic profile and antioxidant potential of by-products from Allium species
- Poster presentation - Mediterranean and medicinal plants as source of bioactive essential oils for new natural functional ingredients
- Research paper - Antibacterial activity of Lactic acid bacteria strains Isolated from Marine Algae against Pathogenic Bacteria
- Research paper - Challenges in water kefir production and limitations in human consumption - A comprehensive review of current knowledge
- Poster presentation - Enhancing folate levels in different fermented milks through biofortification and content evaluation during storage using HPLC MS/MS analysis
- InnoSol4Med Comic book_Innovative solutions for more sustainable and healthier foods
- InnoSol4Med Comic book_Soluzioni innovative per alimenti piu sani e sostenibili
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- Research paper - Biotechnological properties and antifungal activity of lactic acid bacteria isolated from two marine algae Ulva lactuca and Sargassum muticum collected from the Moroccan coast of Sidi Bouzid–El Jadida
- Research paper - Incorporation of fish and fishery waste into food formulations: A review with current knowledge
- Research paper - Valorisation of prawn/shrimp shell waste through the production of biologically active components for functional food purposes